Monday, August 31, 2015

September 2015 Prayer Letter

Keeping Our Eyes on Him

Are you facing problems, trials, struggles, or at a point of indecision? We’ve all been there at one time or another. It has recently occurred to me, the first thing I do when facing a problem is try to solve it. I begin to plan on the first step I need to take. I may consult with others regarding the best approach to solve my problem. There is no right or wrong way to address your struggles or decisions that need to be made.

We all know God allows trials into our lives. According to James 1 it is to develop perseverance and I believe they do that. Speaking for myself however, when facing some recent problems, I really felt the Lord tapping me on the shoulder. I felt like He was saying, “Sue, you know I have this right? I am way ahead of you on this issue. Please keep your eyes on me. Remember that my relationship with you is the priority, not solving the problem.”

It is so easy for me to get way down the road on a plan for problem solving and never stop to realize why I may have the problem in the first place. By remembering that everything in life is about God and my relationship with Him, I have begun to refocus my attention. Now, instead of desperately trying to work through an issue, I schedule more one on one time with the Lord. Instead of looking at the struggle, I look at Him.

Sure, I may still consult others, may still put a plan in play, but only after having spent a lot of quality time with Him. How awesome is it that the Creator of the Universe wants to have a personal relationship with us?  No detail is too small, no problem too great that He isn’t right there with you, no He’s even ahead of you. His greatest desire is that you come to Him, share the problem with Him, and keep your eyes on Him.