Tuesday, May 31, 2016

June 2016 Prayer Letter

Update from Dallas (Frisco) Weekend to Remember

              We had 554 guests attend the event. 19 of them became Christ followers during the weekend! Here are just a few of the comments we received.

              This is my fourth WTR, and I thought I already knew it all. I came with a bad attitude and arrogantly assumed I didn’t need any help. I was dead wrong. I may have had the head knowledge, but my heart needed rejuvenation and re-focus to love my wife in a Christ-like manner, follow God, and be a man of integrity. I strongly encourage coming to the WTR well over and over again. Husband, Marital Health 5 to 9
We came here hopeless, discussing divorcing, not knowing how our marriage could be restored. Through the grace of God and this ministry we have committed to God and one another to make it work. And we now have the tools to equip us. Wife, Married 14 years, Marital Health 1 to 8
The effect was amazing. Being high school sweethearts we’ve always struggled. We renewed our vows in 2013 due to us going outside our marriage, looking for companionship (not sex). Two weeks ago my husband came to me telling me he wants out of this marriage; he had developed feelings for someone else. We both agreed to attend the WTR. Friday night after the first meeting, my husband woke up in tears. He said, “God visited me, said ‘No more.’” My husband woke up a different man, a new man, better than the man I married a second time. He asked sincerely for forgiveness. The weekend getaway will be forever a weekend to remember. He told me once again that he’s falling in love with me. I know he has just by the way he looked at me. Thank you!! Wife, Marital Health 2 to 9

A final word about the book “A Praying Life” by David Powlison. Yes, my friend and I are still working through the book. Please don’t judge, we’re older now and read slower-ha!

              We all have times when we feel the Lord has abandoned us. Sometimes He seems so distant, often when we are going through trials.

David maintains that God is weaving a story in our lives. To live in the Father’s story we need to remember these three things. (The following is a direct excerpt from his book.)
1. Don’t demand that the story go your way. (In other words, surrender completely.)
2. Look for the Storyteller. Look for his hand, and then pray in light of what you are seeing. (In other words, develop and eye for Jesus.)
3. Stay in the story. Don’t shut down when it goes the wrong way.

Sometimes when we say “God is silent,” what’s really going on is that he hasn’t told the story the way we wanted it told. He will be silent when we want him to fill in the blanks of the story we are creating. But with his own stories, the ones we live in, he is seldom silent.

We do carry this book at Familylife. If you would like a copy, please let us know. We would love to send you one at no cost. It is one way we can thank you for your prayers and support.

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2016 Prayer Letter


Check out this new book from FamilyLife

Barbara & Dennis Rainey, the co-founders of FamilyLife have been married over forty years. Barbara’s new book, Letters to my Daughters: the Art of Being a Wife speaks from those many years of marriage. She is very candid in sharing their struggles, disappointments, mistakes, and tells how and why their love and joy has endured through the years. This is a great resource for any married couple.

Here is a description of the book:
Marriage is a complex work of art, and the callings of husband and wife are important individually but must work in harmony to create a beautiful whole greater than the sum of its parts. Throughout this lovely, gift-worthy book, Barbara uses the arts--painting, dancing, gardening, etc.--to reveal this truth in a wise, insightful, and visually captivating way.

If you would like to have this book, please let us know. We would be happy to send it to you at no charge. It is one way we can encourage you and come along side of you just have you have done for us. We so appreciate your prayers and financial support! Perhaps there is another book you would like that you see on our website:  shopfamilylife.com  Please let us know. Again, we would love to send it to you at no cost to you.

Happy Mother’s Day!

           We wish all you moms a wonderful mother’s day. For all the sacrifices you make for your family remember they have not gone unseen. The Lord sees and knows each and every effort you make for others. This side of heaven there may seem little acknowledgement, but it does not go unnoticed by our Heavenly Father!
Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Only God Himself fully appreciates the influence of a Christian mother in the molding of character in her children.

Billy Graham