Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 2014 Prayer Letter

I’m too old and too busy to memorize Scripture

We have all heard recommendations that we should
memorize Bible verses. Kids do it in Sunday School right? But
adults, really? I knew there was no way I could ever accomplish
such a task. Then one day a co-worker had his sons come into
the office at lunch time. They were preparing for the “Bible Bee”
and needed some experience being questioned on stage. We all
went into our staff meeting room with our lunches and asked
these young boys to recite passages that we were handed on
small pieces of paper. It was incredible. They not only quoted perfectly
many, many different passages but several were 10 or more
verses long!
Well, that did it. I was so impressed to think these young
men were beginning their lives with the Word of God firmly fixed in
their heads! So at home the next morning while doing my boring
workout video I decided to turn down the volume and work on a
short verse as I marched along doing leg kicks, etc. It worked!
That was nine years ago. I’m convinced the only reason I have
managed to memorize Scripture at all is because God is the one
teaching me and fixing it permanently in my brain. Thank you
For those of you who feel you’re too busy, or too old, or
just not able to memorize anything consider this; you know the
Pledge of Allegiance, the Star Spangled Banner, the Lord’s
Prayer, and many other things like phone numbers, addresses,
etc. There are probably a lot of verses you have nearly memorized
already. I encourage you to just start with one favorite verse
and go from there.
If I can do it anyone can. The additional benefit for me is it
encourages me to also keep up with a regular exercise routine.
(Even if it is a boring workout video.)

Weekend to Remember statistics
from our fiscal year end 8/31/14.

Number of events: 102
Number of attendees: 51,054
Number of salvation's: 1,989

God is Good!

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