Thursday, February 26, 2015

March 2015 Prayer Letter

WTR in Rochester, MN Recap

When the wheels begin to fall off the wagon it is a great time to remember that we are not in charge, the Lord is! As you deal with the unexpected how good it is to remember to look to Him as you seek out alternatives, contingencies, and make decisions going forward. Our first WTR of the spring season in Rochester was definitely full of surprises and the unexpected.
Friday night we had a 2 wk old baby show up in the ballroom with his parents. Though there had been some mis-communication from someone at the FamilyLife office that suggested this was acceptable, it unfortunately is not allowed. 
A couple on the local volunteer city team were friends of the baby toting couple. She offered to watch the little guy during the sessions so that they would stay and attend the event. Well, it just so happened I was also available to help out with babysitting duty as well (twist my arm)!

Sunday morning brought a 6am wakeup call. There had been a flood in the ballroom caused by a broken ceiling sprinkler. Some of our AV equipment, movie screen, and of course the carpet, and some chairs were soaked.
The hotel staff responded quickly including bringing in professionals to try and vacuum up as much water as possible and then bring in blowers to dry the carpet.

Unfortunately they were not able to get it all done by the 9am start up time.
So, John decided along with the senior speaker to delay the start by 30 minutes.

However we did not want the guests to leave so myself and one of the city team folks headed to Dunkin Doughnuts for a dozen, dozen doughnuts. Everyone seemed content to have a doughnut and wait around for the later start.

To God Be The Glory!

In spite of the unforeseen challenges God showed up in a mighty way. There were 370 guests at  the Rochester, MN WTR and 67 of those became Christ Followers that weekend!!!!!

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