Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2015 Prayer Letter

FamilyLife’s Global Outreach

Most people know about FamilyLife through our Weekend to Remember and Art of Marriage events, or through our FamilyLife Today radio broadcasts. Many think we’re just a Christian website offering resources. Well, FamilyLife does all that but it is also involved in reaching the world as well as the United States.

Marriages and families are under attack all across the globe. They may be threatened by different circumstances or cultural norms. However, the solution to trouble in marriage can all be helped by the same thing– Jesus! Building marriages on biblical principals with Christ at the center applies to people of every nationality.

FamilyLife is now in 109 countries. Our resources and events are available around the world!

Juarez, Mexico is rated the “murder capitol of the world.”  Being part of law enforcement in such a dangerous place takes it toll, especially on their marriages.
Here FamilyLife offered some real encouragement in the form of a seminar designed specifically for police: “Managing Crisis in Your Marriage.”

This is a Weekend to Remember in China. Over 350 couples attended this event which was the first one to have all Chinese speakers. The hope is that more speakers can be trained to deliver God’s biblical blueprints for marriage and family across China.

If you want to know more about the international side of Familylife you can go to this

On this site you will find lists of all the events in all of the countries around the globe. They have monthly newsletters you can read online or sign up to have them sent to your e-mail. A lot of the content on the website is in different translations including Mandarin, Spanish, and Arabic.

How encouraging that God is using FamilyLife to draw people to Himself and restore marriages around the world, not just in the US!

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