Thursday, September 29, 2016

October 2016 Prayer Letter

WTR Update from Delray Beach, Florida

           It was the kick off event for our fall season and amazingly everything ran smoothly. Often there are a few glitches that need to be worked out. Our team back in Little Rock did a great job making sure all the equipment and updated procedures were in place.
           We had 390 in attendance. Six people indicated they became Christ followers! We had 3 speaker couples which is one more than normal since one of the couples is still being trained. God used all of them in amazing ways. As one of the speakers said, “We aren’t coming up here on stage as marriage experts telling you how to fix your marriages. We are coming up as imperfect people to share how God has used our mistakes, struggles, and difficulties to strengthen our marriage.”

 Here are a few of our top ten comments:
           Revitalized is what I can come up with on describing this weekend.  I realize that coming here was going to help me, help us fix our marriage.  It did more than fix it, it brought our marriage back to life.
Married 6 years
             I feel the weekend has definitely pressed the “pause” button on our talk of divorce.  Given us many skills to work on and tools to do it.
Married 24 years
Prior to this weekend, my husband and I both knew our marriage needed “work” but were struggling to do it on our own.  This weekend refocused our eyes on the need for Christ to be the head of our home and we’re leaving refreshed and honestly relieved that we don’t need to do it on our own, when we’re choosing to fully trust Him, His word and His roles for us as a husband/father and wife/mother.
Married 11 years

Stressful Times remind us to Seek Him!
           I’m sure many of you are like me, you become anxious about the future. Watching the news only compounds the stress as you see violence erupting across our country. The upcoming election also is making many of us worry. There seems to be so little control we have over any of it, so we just sit and fret.
I have made it a point recently to focus on a few verses from God’s Word. I’ve even memorized them so when I’m feeling like everything is out of control I am brought back to the One who is in control of everything. Perhaps focusing on His Word will comfort you as well.

Psalm 56: 3&4 When I am afraid I will put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, In God I shall
put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me?

Psalm 118: 8&9 It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.
Thanks for partnering with us– we so appreciate you!

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