Monday, October 2, 2017

October 2017

Sharing a few Thoughts about Relationships

            I’m sure you have all had the Lord speak to you at various times in your life. For me, He has to repeat His message often before I truly “get it”. Recently I have heard several  sermons on relationships. The most recent chapter I read in Pricilla Shirer’s Fervent was on relationships. I keep reading Bible passages that have to do with relationships. None of this information is new, however it has hit me in new ways.
Perhaps these ideas will give you a new perspective on relationships as well. Our pastor equated relationships to Proverbs 24:30-34 about the sluggard’s field. If our relationships are not tended to but rather ignored, the weeds will spring up. There will always be issues that arise between imperfect people. Only through the Holy Spirit can we “resolve” our issues when they first pop up, before they become more serious. So we need to keep tending to those weeds and staying connected to those we care about.
The role that the enemy plays in our relationships is also something I had not thought much about. Here’s an excerpt from Fervent: “If I were your enemy, I’d work to create division between you and other Christians, between groups of Christians, anyone with the potential for uniting in battle against me and my plans.” I once heard it said that Satan is never working harder than in the foyer of the church on Sunday morning. We know we are to strive for unity. It is much easier to do if you if we recognize who might be stirring up the strife.
We all know the importance of asking forgiveness when we have offended someone. It only recently hit me that it is just as important to grant forgiveness, even if not asked for. Mark 11:25 is a new verse for me. And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. If you feel like your prayers are hitting the ceiling and going no further, could it be that you are holding grudges or bitterness against someone?

            An update from last month’s letter. Our friends Tim and Rita returned to Rockport to find their home had survived with only minor damage. They now have friends from the area living with them who have lost their home. They finally received power nearly a month after Harvey hit shore. We are continuing to pray for their strength and stamina as they reach out as the “hands and feet” of Jesus helping all those struggling around them.
We personally are committed to pray for all those who are currently suffering from so many natural disasters. That includes not only hurricanes, but wild fires, and earth quakes. People in Texas, Florida, the Caribbean, Mexico, the Western states all need our prayers Though prayer may seem like the “least we can do”. It is also in my opinion the “greatest thing we can do”.
Also, our first event in Delray Beach, FL was canceled due to hurricane Irma. It was the right decision, but still difficult for some of our guests. We had many who were flying in from other parts of the country. One couple in particular were desperate to attend, feeling their marriage is on the brink of falling apart. Our Familylife team is working hard to get them to another event as soon as possible. We know there are other couples in these circumstances. Please join us in praying for them as well.
Thanks in advance for your faithful prayers!

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