Wednesday, November 25, 2015

San Antonio, Weekend to Remember

San Antonio Top Ten Comments
November 20-22, 2015
Attendance: 811
Salvation: 49
Holy Spirit: 143
Recommitment: 82

I was so discouraged after 22 years of marriage – and nothing has changed. In all our faith and work in ministry – now living in two different cities, not doing ministry, living now as a single mom with three kids still at home. I was done. I was tempted so severely in September to file for divorce. In desperation we began to pray over the phone the “Oneness Prayers.” I could hardly do it, realizing all the topics that came up – more not happening in our marriage - and I would hang up and cry, sobbing to the Lord. I basically said either we get counseling and do this WTR, or I’m done. He, months earlier, had felt the same way, but had heard from the Lord. He was to stay. During the Pastor Session, God recommitted our hearts to the clear calling we BOTH received 22 years ago, and to each other. Thank you. We will continue to seek healing. We will be funding a couple annually and prayerfully. Former Pastor’s Wife, Married 22 years, Marital Health 2 to 8

If my marriage were a baby…
The baby is well-fed!!  Thank you very much. Military Wife, Married 9 years, Marital Health 8 to 10.

We have been involved over the years in this ministry and volunteered. This is our 5th one for ourselves. We have done The Art of Marriage video in our church. Each time we come we are at a higher level in our relationship and we always benefit even if the material is the same. We have learned how important it is to keep rekindling the fire! My husband couldn’t wait to write the love letter, and it was so good! We share with many people about this ministry regularly. Group Coordinator, Wife, Blended Family, Married 21 years, Marital Health 9 to 9

Amazing. Mind-blowing. Great start for the remaining 2015 and a new 2016 beginning. Wife, Marital Health 7 to 9

We cried together, we laughed together, we prayed together, and we cried some more. This weekend was about understanding oneness with God and my husband. “God gave me a wonderful gift of salvation and a husband,” which I will cherish. Wife, Married 17 years, Marital Health 5 to 8

This is our second time to attend. The first time was six years ago, and it was the BEST thing we ever did for our marriage. We are here this weekend for a ‘tune-up.’ It’s good to refocus on each other. Wife, Married 26 years, Marital Health 6 to 8

We’re talking! Talking about goals, desires, important things. I loved the direct way topics were addressed, the resources were made available, and God’s plan for marriage and sex was revealed. Wife, Married 31 years, Marital Health 8 to 10

This weekend has taught me what it truly takes to be a successful man, husband, and father. I’ve learned in less than 72 hours what 31 years of life couldn’t teach me. Thank you! Husband, Married 7 years, Marital Health 5 to 7

It showed me that I need to step aside in my marriage and let God be center. I need to respect my husband and love and trust him so that our marriage can be functional and healthy. Wife, Married 8 months, Marital Health 7 to 9

We came here as individuals who had deeply scarred one another – me more than her. We both wanted to do better, but couldn’t figure out how. After this conference we are both equipped to LOVE each other through all our circumstances and use Jesus as our guiding light. Husband, Married 16 years, Marital Health 3 to 7 and growing, Salvation

Dallas (Las Colinas) Weekend to Remember

Dallas (Las Colinas) Top Ten Comments
November 13-15, 2015
Attendance: 630
Salvation: 31
Holy Spirit: 137
Recommitment: 150

Helped us understand our roles and encouraged us to pray more. When I first signed us up, we were in crisis. We twice cancelled this conference, and our marriage nearly ended last summer. God turned our marriage around. We rescheduled the seminar, and it gave us something to look forward to as our marriage began to heal. I am working with friends now who are also in crisis. I will recommend this conference to them. Wife, Marital Health 9 to 10, Married 21 years, Salvation

Outstanding spiritual connection. As a US Navy sailor, I greatly appreciate the outstanding opportunity and spiritual preparation this conference granted to my wife and I. Thank you so much!!! Husband, Marital Health 9 to 10, Married 1 year

We filed for divorce last month. We are going to dismiss the proceedings tomorrow. Husband, Marital Health 1 to 6, Married 13 years

It was like standing in front of a mirror…with the lights on. No place to hide. Husband, Marital Health 4 to 6, Married 29 years

We hadn’t been to a WTR for approximately 18 years. Being empty-nesters now the sessions that impacted me were far different than when we had preschoolers and school-age children. What is profound to me is knowing the foundation that was laid early in our marriage by attending WTR has been paramount in giving us the tools to face with faith and hope the trials and tragedies our marriage has encountered over the years. Wife, Marital Health 10 to 10, Married 31 years

It opened my eyes to the reality of my contribution to a declining, dysfunctional marriage, and provided the tools to achieving a loving, unified marriage the way God intended and designed…All I had to do was get out of the way. Wife, Marital Health 2 to 8, Married 7 months

After 30 years of marriage instead of celebrating our anniversary, we were separating. This weekend has helped us reprioritize our lives and our marriage. We have committed to starting anew, and tomorrow we can actually celebrate our 30th anniversary. Thank you for giving us the tools to rebuild. Wife, Marital Health 1 to 7, Married 30 years

This was a last ditch effort to save our marriage. I came feeling like there was a 20% chance that our marriage could be salvaged. Dealing with the betrayal of an affair, I felt that little could be done, even though I know that through Christ all things are possible. I am blown away by the impact that this conference has made on my spouse and myself. I am hopeful that trust can be restored and I am able to truly forgive. Though it’s not at 100%, I now feel like we have an 80% chance of restoration. I am hopeful that it will continue to increase. Wife, Marital Health 1 to 7, Married 14 years

It was a great time to reconnect and recharge and evaluate our marriage. It gave us insights to help us make a good marriage better. The session on manhood was a really helpful corrective to a culture devoid of biblical manhood. Husband, Married 10 years, Marital Health 9 to 9, Pastor

We have been struggling in our marriage for years, not honoring each other the way God wants us to. But God has been working on our hearts, and this weekend has sealed the kiss. We have been filled with Biblical truth of how to have an awesome marriage that honors our Lord. Wife, Marital Health 5 to 8. My wife and I have been married for 19 years. We’ve been through many challenges. All the problems from the last 19 years were baggage and thorns in our life, and were culminating over the past few months, and not in a good direction. This weekend has been amazing, and our love and appreciation for each other has been renewed. We are so excited to love each other every remaining day of our lives, the way God intended. Thank you! Husband, Marital Health 3 to 9, Married 19 years, Military

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

South Padre Island Update

South Padre Island Top Ten Comments
Attendance: 437
Salvation: 30
Holy Spirit: 91
Recommitment: 125

Before this weekend my marriage was completely broken, I wasn’t living at home, the papers for divorce had already been filed but by the grace of God we decided to take this one last shot and it revived what only God could revive.  Thank you FamilyLife for your commitment to helping marriages.  Husband, married 18 months

Was skeptical at first, but I am glad I came.  I was able to reconnect with my wife and spend quality time with her.  I heard her laugh, cry, and have tears of joy.  Husband, 4 to 9, married 22 years

This is our 2nd Weekend to Remember.  The 1st one saved our marriage!  We came in saying, “If this doesn’t work, it’s over,” to saying “We are never going to give up!”  We have since done an AOM event in May, and are planning another in November.  God took our pain (ugliness) and turned it into a beautiful testimony.  Thank you for restoring our marriage.  Pray for us as we try to share God’s Plan for marriage – thank you!  Wife, 8 to 10, married 10 years

This is about our 4th or 5th Weekend to Remember.  We were married for 19 years and divorced.  About 8 years ago, we came to our first Weekend to Remember.  It changed our lives – we have been remarried for 7 years now.  Thank you!  Husband, 6 to 8, married 7 years

I learned that not appreciating my wife is to reject the gift of God and thereby reject the Giver!  Husband, 7 to 10, married 14 years

It brought to life the truth of the gospel and how Jesus Christ has a wonderful and generous plan for our marriage.  It felt like a pressure released from my chest.  It was hard to hold back the tears, but those were some cleansing tears of joy!  Husband, 5 to 7, married 2 years

Gave hope – helped our communication.  I had given up on our marriage and was done after 35 years.  My husband went through “Stepping Up” and realized he had isolated himself from me - which made me isolate myself.  This weekend has made me/us realize we are to be one and our oneness is to show Jesus.  We have been renewed!  We both want our marriage to work and to finish our race for Jesus’ glory.  Thank you.  Wife, 3 to 8, married 35 years

After 47 years of highs and lows, we are seeing hope and trust God with our relationship.  Wife, 3 to 8, married 47 years

We are getting married in 5 weeks.  This weekend has been incredible!  It brought up subjects that we never even thought about.  It is truly a God-driven (set of) teachings that has equipped me for the coming weeks and especially years to come.  Premarried, 8 to 9

For the first time, my husband openly shared his feelings with me.  I truly believe that this is the Lord working in our relationship.  Wife, married 6 months

We were enlightened by what our roles are as husband and wife through the eyes of God.  Marriage is work, and I think we didn’t really realize how much work it is.  We are encouraged to move forward and seek God more in our marriage.  Wife, 7 to 8, married 15 years

Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2015 Prayer Letter

FamilyLife’s Global Outreach

Most people know about FamilyLife through our Weekend to Remember and Art of Marriage events, or through our FamilyLife Today radio broadcasts. Many think we’re just a Christian website offering resources. Well, FamilyLife does all that but it is also involved in reaching the world as well as the United States.

Marriages and families are under attack all across the globe. They may be threatened by different circumstances or cultural norms. However, the solution to trouble in marriage can all be helped by the same thing– Jesus! Building marriages on biblical principals with Christ at the center applies to people of every nationality.

FamilyLife is now in 109 countries. Our resources and events are available around the world!

Juarez, Mexico is rated the “murder capitol of the world.”  Being part of law enforcement in such a dangerous place takes it toll, especially on their marriages.
Here FamilyLife offered some real encouragement in the form of a seminar designed specifically for police: “Managing Crisis in Your Marriage.”

This is a Weekend to Remember in China. Over 350 couples attended this event which was the first one to have all Chinese speakers. The hope is that more speakers can be trained to deliver God’s biblical blueprints for marriage and family across China.

If you want to know more about the international side of Familylife you can go to this

On this site you will find lists of all the events in all of the countries around the globe. They have monthly newsletters you can read online or sign up to have them sent to your e-mail. A lot of the content on the website is in different translations including Mandarin, Spanish, and Arabic.

How encouraging that God is using FamilyLife to draw people to Himself and restore marriages around the world, not just in the US!

Monday, August 31, 2015

September 2015 Prayer Letter

Keeping Our Eyes on Him

Are you facing problems, trials, struggles, or at a point of indecision? We’ve all been there at one time or another. It has recently occurred to me, the first thing I do when facing a problem is try to solve it. I begin to plan on the first step I need to take. I may consult with others regarding the best approach to solve my problem. There is no right or wrong way to address your struggles or decisions that need to be made.

We all know God allows trials into our lives. According to James 1 it is to develop perseverance and I believe they do that. Speaking for myself however, when facing some recent problems, I really felt the Lord tapping me on the shoulder. I felt like He was saying, “Sue, you know I have this right? I am way ahead of you on this issue. Please keep your eyes on me. Remember that my relationship with you is the priority, not solving the problem.”

It is so easy for me to get way down the road on a plan for problem solving and never stop to realize why I may have the problem in the first place. By remembering that everything in life is about God and my relationship with Him, I have begun to refocus my attention. Now, instead of desperately trying to work through an issue, I schedule more one on one time with the Lord. Instead of looking at the struggle, I look at Him.

Sure, I may still consult others, may still put a plan in play, but only after having spent a lot of quality time with Him. How awesome is it that the Creator of the Universe wants to have a personal relationship with us?  No detail is too small, no problem too great that He isn’t right there with you, no He’s even ahead of you. His greatest desire is that you come to Him, share the problem with Him, and keep your eyes on Him.

Friday, July 31, 2015

August 2015 Prayer Letter

Recap Cru 15 Staff Conference


Being together with 5-6 thousand other US Cru staff in Fort Collins, Colorado was an amazing experience. Just worshipping with that many people was a thrill! We had many sessions and breakouts and heard from many different speakers. It was truly a time of spiritual renewal for us.

             Here are a few highlights from Francis Chan. He was one of several terrific speakers.

Regarding having the right mind set in ministry he said, “It is easy to let selfish ambition get mingled in with serving the Lord”.

He understood all the ministries of Cru are looking to form partnership with other ministries. Instead of duplicating efforts, to join forces with others. To this he said, “How often do you get down on your knees and pray for another ministry”? Wow, that was convicting.

When talking about Christians being judgmental and critical he said we have it all backwards. “We are to judge those inside the church. We are not to judge those outside the church”. Instead we do the opposite, we don’t judge ourselves but we do judge the world. That certainly hit home!

From 2 Timothy 3 Paul is talking to Timothy about the church in the last days, not about the world. Starting with verse 2 the list of sins will be seen in the church. The people will be lovers of self. That is the first one mentioned and all the others flow from that.

He cautioned that even in ministry we are often looking at it with selfish motives and ambitions. We all have the “it’s all about me” mentality. He reminded us that in Scripture over and over God cautions that in everything “no one should boast”. We are even offered salvation by grace and not by what we do, that “no one may boast”. Pride creeps into everything we do. Verse 4 and 5 conclude with, people will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. Oh boy, could that be me?

He spoke of unity in the church. In John 17:22 and 23 Christ is praying to God the Father. The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me. It was great to be reminded of how God wants us to be united as one so that the world will see Him!

We are very grateful we were able to attend the conference in Colorado this year. Thank you for your faithful support. This time of renewal was only possible because of you!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Houston (Sugar Land) Weekend to Remember

Houston Top Ten Comments
Attendance: 573
Salvation: 4
Holy Spirit: 75
Recommitment: 115

As I/we were coming to the conference my cell phone was at 8% battery.  I felt the same way – my marriage felt like it was at 8% power, strength, etc.  Praise God because it’s been fully recharged.  Husband, marital strength from 3 to 9, married 14 years
It personally impacted me tremendously.  It caused me to really examine my “record” as a husband and father.  My record wasn’t as good as I thought, and there’s really no good excuse for that.  I now know what I need to do to serve God better by serving my family as God wants me to.  Husband, 7 to 9, married 8 years

We are a military couple blessed to be attending on a scholarship.  This getaway gave us a chance to relax in a non-threatening large group setting and learn how to let God work in our marriage.  Thank you!  Wife, 4 to 5, married 6 years

I constantly tell myself that I need to be a better husband, father, and leader, but until this weekend it was all just a superficial pep talk.  Now after learning more about God’s plan for marriage and manhood and fatherhood, it is more than talk.  I have recommitted myself to my wife and my family and my God and Savior.  Thank you.  Husband, 5 to 8, married 15 years

Recommitment to God 1st and each other 2nd.  Opened my eyes to the things that we were doing to each other that drove both of us to isolation.  His bags were packed to get an apartment on Thursday night.  I’ll let you know what happens but I am hopeful because I heard him say a prayer for the 1st ever two days ago, and we have been together for 10 years.  Thank you, God, no matter the outcome.  God is great!  Wife, 1 to 6, married 7 years

Being newly married (3 months), it has allowed us to delve deeper into God as a unit and has improved our verbal and nonverbal communication.  We have made a decision to go to a conference/retreat at least once a year to get away from the distractions that life can bring.  This weekend has satisfied his need for respect as a leader and my romance/love.  We are in the process of leading The Art of Marriage because of this weekend.  It has added to our love of service and made our connection even stronger.  Wife, 6 to 9, married 3 months

This weekend has debunked myths and worldly ways to salve problems in relationships.  It has also reminded me that God must be first and honestly marriage is about making the Lord famous!  It has been a huge blessing.  Wife

This weekend has shifted my focus from my spouse to myself and God.  Remembering that our marriage is only as strong as our individual relationships with Christ is vital.  Also, just being very reflective of what role I play in the success and /or failures of our marriage has been very helpful.  Of course, extra tools are always helpful to have in our arsenal.  Thank you for your ministry.  Wife, 8 to 9, married 15 months 

We knew we had a problem, but we couldn’t put a finger on it.  We had been treating the symptoms but hadn’t gotten to the core of things.  This retreat helped me (us) see how I’d/we’d slipped away from God and need to start having a fruitful spirit again.  Our hope for our marriage has been restored.  Husband, 3 to 8, married 3 years

I always thought of myself as being a real man, but being here has shown me different!  I was providing, but not nourishing, blaming but not accepting blame.  To take my rightful place as head of my family.  Husband, 8 to 9, married 21 months

We were able to be equipped and reminded of important truths and tools about marriage.  It was awesome to take a break from wedding planning and focus on our marriage and the years to come after.  This weekend allowed us to have constructive, healthy conversations.  It made us so excited to get married and to get to glorify God better together than apart!  Pre-married