Monday, October 2, 2017

October 2017

Sharing a few Thoughts about Relationships

            I’m sure you have all had the Lord speak to you at various times in your life. For me, He has to repeat His message often before I truly “get it”. Recently I have heard several  sermons on relationships. The most recent chapter I read in Pricilla Shirer’s Fervent was on relationships. I keep reading Bible passages that have to do with relationships. None of this information is new, however it has hit me in new ways.
Perhaps these ideas will give you a new perspective on relationships as well. Our pastor equated relationships to Proverbs 24:30-34 about the sluggard’s field. If our relationships are not tended to but rather ignored, the weeds will spring up. There will always be issues that arise between imperfect people. Only through the Holy Spirit can we “resolve” our issues when they first pop up, before they become more serious. So we need to keep tending to those weeds and staying connected to those we care about.
The role that the enemy plays in our relationships is also something I had not thought much about. Here’s an excerpt from Fervent: “If I were your enemy, I’d work to create division between you and other Christians, between groups of Christians, anyone with the potential for uniting in battle against me and my plans.” I once heard it said that Satan is never working harder than in the foyer of the church on Sunday morning. We know we are to strive for unity. It is much easier to do if you if we recognize who might be stirring up the strife.
We all know the importance of asking forgiveness when we have offended someone. It only recently hit me that it is just as important to grant forgiveness, even if not asked for. Mark 11:25 is a new verse for me. And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. If you feel like your prayers are hitting the ceiling and going no further, could it be that you are holding grudges or bitterness against someone?

            An update from last month’s letter. Our friends Tim and Rita returned to Rockport to find their home had survived with only minor damage. They now have friends from the area living with them who have lost their home. They finally received power nearly a month after Harvey hit shore. We are continuing to pray for their strength and stamina as they reach out as the “hands and feet” of Jesus helping all those struggling around them.
We personally are committed to pray for all those who are currently suffering from so many natural disasters. That includes not only hurricanes, but wild fires, and earth quakes. People in Texas, Florida, the Caribbean, Mexico, the Western states all need our prayers Though prayer may seem like the “least we can do”. It is also in my opinion the “greatest thing we can do”.
Also, our first event in Delray Beach, FL was canceled due to hurricane Irma. It was the right decision, but still difficult for some of our guests. We had many who were flying in from other parts of the country. One couple in particular were desperate to attend, feeling their marriage is on the brink of falling apart. Our Familylife team is working hard to get them to another event as soon as possible. We know there are other couples in these circumstances. Please join us in praying for them as well.
Thanks in advance for your faithful prayers!

Monday, July 31, 2017

August 2017

Enjoy Summer!

            It is hard to believe that “back to school” sales have already begun! We pray all of you are enjoying a restful and fun summer with your families. We pray regularly for God to direct your steps, protect you, provide for you, and bless you. We pray you all have time to re-connect with Him in a special way either out of doors or sitting indoors with a little extra “quiet time”.  We trust you are taking advantage of a less hectic schedule to stay connected as a family and connected with Him!

Highlights from the CRU Staff Conference
            Nothing like joining in worship with over 5,000 other people! We had some great musicians leading us in worship each day. We had some very interesting speakers and teaching as well.
            The primary highlight for us was meeting together with all of the other FamilyLife staff for a half day meeting and lunch. We spent most of the morning looking back on our original calling. What a confirmation that we are where the Lord wants us! We came away from our time still passionate that God has called us to continue working the Weekend To Remember getaways.
It was attending a Weekend to Remember in 1997 where God changed our lives forever. It was there that John feels he truly became a Christ follower. He had a head knowledge before but never a heart change. We applied to join staff a year later and the rest as they say, “is history”.
When we work the events people often ask if the changes God is bringing about in their lives and marriage will really stick. We are living proof that they do if you stay committed to keeping your eyes on the Lord. How awesome and faithful He has been these past 18 years! How grateful we are that He has brought you along side of us in this mission! We could not do it without your prayers and financial support. Thank You.

We did some fly fishing each morning before our conference sessions. We didn’t catch many and it was “catch and release”. We did have lots of “strikes”. We so enjoyed getting out into God’s creation! It was a special treat since there isn’t a whole lot of fly fishing available in south Texas unless you head for the gulf. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Houston Events 2017

Update from 2 Houston WTR events
            At each of our Houston events we had between 650 and 700 guests. Once again we witnessed God change lives, marriages, and families forever! There were 24 salvations and many marriages restored.

These comments came from our Houston Galleria event:

We reconnected from the isolation we created over time.  The Love Letters were life-changing for us.  We will fight to not allow isolation to creep in again.  Oneness wins!  Thank God for this life-changing getaway and reminder.  We win because Christ won! Husband, 8 to 9, married 20 years

I was hurting, committed to my husband for the sake of my children, not feeling love for my husband.  My heart was hardened and I was rebellious.  God melted my heart and gave me a renewed love for my husband.  I was transformed!  I was given the tools I need to be the wife God wants me to be.  Looking forward to the rest of my life with my husband!  Wife, 3 to 9, married 31 years

These comments came from our Houston Sugar Land event:

My husband and I were in the process of painting and repairing our home to sell and divorce after 38 years. God dealt with both of our hearts separately to reconcile, forgive, and recommit.  I cannot believe we got to renew our vows at the conference today! Wife, 3 to 7, married 38 years

When we came, I really didn’t think we would survive.  Now I have hope and a commitment to stick with our marriage.  We have reaffirmed our love to each other.  Wife, 2 to 8, married 8.5 years

Sunday, November 13, 2016

November 2016 Prayer Letter

Highlights from South Padre Island

           What a great event. We had 426 in attendance and 55 salvations!. How awesome once again to see God change lives and legacies for eternity!

           Here are some of the top ten comments:
· This weekend has brought us so much closer together.  We were that couple holding on by a thread!  I had even already thrown in the towel 2 weeks ago.  Thankfully my husband responded to my divorce request by signing us up.  Divorce has been completely taken off the table and we’ve grown closer than before. Date night even ended amazing!  Wife, married 3 years
· Before we came to Weekend to Remember, l thought our marriage was over.  It was dark and broken.  Today, I feel it has totally turned around.  We are on our honeymoon again.  Wife, married 16 years
· We enjoyed our time alone and we were able to talk about things.  Intimacy jumped up a few notches.  Husband, married 5 years

We’re thrilled to announce the arrival of Chloe Marie Stokes

She was born to our son Erik and his wife Amy.
She was 9 lbs and 21” long.
We were privileged to stay with big sister Rory Mae while mama and daddy were at the hospital. We then stayed for a few extra days to help out. God was gracious allowing this birth to happen between our WTR events that were two weeks apart!

We’re sorry this letter is going out a little late. As you can see, so far November has been a crazy month for us.

           We do want to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. As we give thanks to the Lord for his many awesome blessings you are at the top of the list. We are so grateful for your prayers and support! We would not be able to serve at FamilyLife without you. You are a big part of what God is doing to restore marriages, families, and bring new people into His kingdom!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

October 2016 Prayer Letter

WTR Update from Delray Beach, Florida

           It was the kick off event for our fall season and amazingly everything ran smoothly. Often there are a few glitches that need to be worked out. Our team back in Little Rock did a great job making sure all the equipment and updated procedures were in place.
           We had 390 in attendance. Six people indicated they became Christ followers! We had 3 speaker couples which is one more than normal since one of the couples is still being trained. God used all of them in amazing ways. As one of the speakers said, “We aren’t coming up here on stage as marriage experts telling you how to fix your marriages. We are coming up as imperfect people to share how God has used our mistakes, struggles, and difficulties to strengthen our marriage.”

 Here are a few of our top ten comments:
           Revitalized is what I can come up with on describing this weekend.  I realize that coming here was going to help me, help us fix our marriage.  It did more than fix it, it brought our marriage back to life.
Married 6 years
             I feel the weekend has definitely pressed the “pause” button on our talk of divorce.  Given us many skills to work on and tools to do it.
Married 24 years
Prior to this weekend, my husband and I both knew our marriage needed “work” but were struggling to do it on our own.  This weekend refocused our eyes on the need for Christ to be the head of our home and we’re leaving refreshed and honestly relieved that we don’t need to do it on our own, when we’re choosing to fully trust Him, His word and His roles for us as a husband/father and wife/mother.
Married 11 years

Stressful Times remind us to Seek Him!
           I’m sure many of you are like me, you become anxious about the future. Watching the news only compounds the stress as you see violence erupting across our country. The upcoming election also is making many of us worry. There seems to be so little control we have over any of it, so we just sit and fret.
I have made it a point recently to focus on a few verses from God’s Word. I’ve even memorized them so when I’m feeling like everything is out of control I am brought back to the One who is in control of everything. Perhaps focusing on His Word will comfort you as well.

Psalm 56: 3&4 When I am afraid I will put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, In God I shall
put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me?

Psalm 118: 8&9 It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.
Thanks for partnering with us– we so appreciate you!